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  1. Please note that diligence and research conducted by Mercato on a private investment is not an endorsement or a recommendation, but one of many factors an investor may consider. Investors should always consider consulting with their own financial, legal, and tax advisors, as necessary.
  2. No communication by Mercato Holdings, Inc. or any of its affiliates (collectively, “Mercato”) should be construed or is intended to be a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any private security or otherwise to be considered investment, financial, tax, or legal advice. Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to purchase or sell securities or a solicitation of any securities transaction. The Mercato site is ONLY for Accredited Investors, Wealth Advisors and Private Issuers, and investors may only purchase or sell securities through such Private Issuers.
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  5. Private investments are speculative and involve a high degree of risk and those investors who cannot afford to lose their entire investment should not invest. Additionally, investors may receive illiquid and/or restricted securities that may be subject to holding period requirements and/or liquidity concerns. Private investments are highly illiquid and those investors who cannot hold an investment for the long term (at least 5-7 years) should not invest.
  6. Private investments should only be part of your overall investment portfolio. Further, the private investment portion of your portfolio should include a balanced portfolio of a variety of private investments.
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  9. Private investing requires long-term commitments, the ability to afford to lose the entire investment, and low liquidity needs. This website provides preliminary and general information about private placements and is intended for initial reference purposes only. It does not summarize or compile all the applicable information. This website does not constitute an offer to sell or buy any securities. No offer or sale of any private investments will occur without the delivery of confidential offering materials and related documents. The information contained herein is qualified by and subject to more detailed information in the applicable offering materials. Mercato is not registered as a broker-dealer, and does not make any representation or warranty to any prospective investor regarding the legality of an investment in any private investments on the Mercato platform.