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Effective September 2022


Mercato is hosted by Bridgeport Financial Technology, Inc. (the “Company” or “BridgePort”), which provides its services through its Bridgeport website and mobile applications platform (“BridgePort” or the “Platform”). All of us at BridgePort™ are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of the information we maintain for all our clients. This notice describes how we manage and safeguard information about you, our individual client, who seeks or obtains financial products or services from us. It includes how we protect the information which we have about our current and former individual clients.

Our Commitment

BridgePort does not share any client information with non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes, nor do we sell any client information to anyone for any reason. Consistent with our Privacy Policy detailed herein, BridgePort may, on a selective and confidential basis, share appropriate information with another company in the BridgePort family we believe that company has marketing information on a product or service that might interest you. We may also share select information when you expressly request that we provide you with certain products and services that are available through one of our companies. This helps us make available to you our full range of financial products and services.

Our Privacy Policy

While we do not share information about our individual clients with nonaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes, we do from time to time, as appropriate, share select information on a confidential basis with authorized colleagues within our family of companies in order to offer you financial products and services that can enhance the value you receive from your relationship with BridgePort.

Unless you instruct us not to do so, our Privacy Policy permits your BridgePort trusted advisors to very selectively and confidentially share appropriate information with an affiliated BridgePort company if she or he believes there is a resource that may be of interest to you. We never do this for the purposes of broad-scale marketing from our affiliated companies, and every BridgePort company is committed to protecting your privacy.

Authorization to Share Your Information with Our Payments Provider

Where you have opted to utilize Dwolla, Inc. as your payments provider on the BridgePort platform, you authorize BridgePort to collect and share with Dwolla. Your personal information including full name, date of birth, social security number, physical address, phone number, email address, registered business name, EIN and financial information, and you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that data.


Cookies are small text data files that are sent to and stored on your computer, smartphone or other device for accessing the internet whenever you visit a website. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a user’s device. At BridgePort, we use cookies from our website in two ways:

  1. to analyze how you, the user, use our website so we can improve our website and determine your likes and dislikes to help us improve your experience when using our website; and
  2. to enable our website to perform for you as you expect, such as to log on to a secure area of the website.

Other websites may use cookies for a variety of reasons including determining your preferences, improving your ability to navigate between web pages, verifying the user and other security checks. You should read the cookie policies on the other websites to understand how they use cookies.

You can find out more about cookies on

We use cookies and so do our other service providers. By placing them on your computer, smartphone or other internet access device, they help us to distinguish you from other users of our website, safeguard your privacy and improve the functionality and performance of our website for your benefit. We also use the information we obtain through their use to personalize your experience with us based on the products, services and other interaction you have with us.

We may also use additional technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons, and clear GIFs, and may permit our service providers to use these technologies. We use these technologies for purposes such as measuring the effectiveness of our advertisements or other communications, determining viewing and response rates, and determining which offers to present to you on our own or on third party sites based on a site or page you visited.

In addition to the general uses described above, we use information for purposes as allowed by law such as: servicing; communicating with you; improving our website, products, or services; legal compliance; risk control; information security; anti-fraud purposes; marketing or personalizing the presentation of our products and services to you; tracking website usage, such as number of hits, pages visited, and the length of user sessions in order to evaluate the usefulness of our sites; and we also use read-receipt notifications in our email communications.

Our service providers are trusted and bound by obligations of confidentiality to protect your personal information. Our privacy policy and practices are available on our website and we do not share personal information about you with nonaffiliated third parties as stated in our policy. If we provide links to third party websites, remember that they have their own privacy and cookie policies that control the use of information you submit. You should read their policies as we are not responsible or liable for any third party privacy practices.

Managing Cookies

The browsers of most computers, smartphones and other internet access devices are set up to accept cookies. You may change your acceptance of cookies through your browser settings. Your browser’s “help” function will tell you how to do this.

We do not separately maintain a listing of clients who do not wish to accept cookies. You, as a client using an online service, must set your browser to reject cookies to enable our website not to track your use of our website.

Please remember that if you choose to disable cookies, you will likely affect how our website works for you and you may no longer be able to access all or parts of the website.


The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a European privacy regulation which replaces the current EU Data Protection Directive. It aims to strengthen the security and protection of personal data in the EU, and give more control to EU citizens over their personal data. 

Besides strengthening and standardizing user data privacy across the EU nations, GDPR requires new or additional obligations on all organizations that handle EU citizens’ personal data, regardless of where the organizations themselves are located.

The GDPR applies to all organizations operating in the EU or those processing “personal identifiable data” of EU residents. Personal data is any information that is personally identifiable of a living individual, such as a name, an identification number, location data, or an online identifier.

What this means is, if your business is based in the EU, or processes the data of EU citizens, you need to do everything you can to comply with GDPR. Businesses need to demonstrate the security of the data they are processing and their compliance with GDPR on a continual basis.

Although BridgePort already has comprehensive data privacy protective measures in place, the GDPR’s updated requirements are significant and we have worked to bring our product offerings in line. We have taken many measures to achieve GDPR compliance, including:

  • Reviewing and making appropriate changes to our processes to be in compliance with GDPR
  • Updating our privacy policy to help users better understand how BridgePort treats user data
  • Creating new processes and documentation to enable users to take actions on their data, such as disabling individual user accounts, deleting their user accounts, or removing individual profiles
  • Providing relevant privacy training to our team to ensure the integrity and protection of user data
  • Reviewing and making appropriate changes to all relevant contractual terms
  • Continuing to invest in our security infrastructure
  • Continuing to review our product offering and make any necessary adjustments to stay in compliance

We also continue to monitor the guidance around GDPR compliance from privacy-related regulatory bodies, and adjust our plans accordingly if and when it changes.


The Data Protection Law (the “DPL”) introduced globally recognized principles about the use of personal data in the Cayman Islands, and aims to align the Cayman Islands with other major jurisdictions around the world, notably the European Union, and facilitate the free flow of data. DPL provides a standard framework for both public and private entities in the management of the personal data they use, and serves as a guide to provide assurance to individuals whose personal data is being processed.

Although BridgePort already has comprehensive data privacy protective measures in place, including those measures required under GDPR, we have taken incremental measures to achieve DPL compliance, including:

  • Reviewing and making appropriate changes to our processes to be in compliance with DPL
  • Revising our privacy policy to help users better understand how BridgePort treats user data
  • Reviewing and making appropriate changes to all relevant contractual terms
  • Continuing to invest in our security infrastructure
  • Continuing to review our product offering and make any necessary adjustments to stay in compliance
  • Reserving our right to impose certain “reasonable fees” under DPL, that may be charged for personal data requests
  • Undertaken technical and organizational measures BridgePort deems appropriate to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data
  • Allowing for, upon written request by a respective individual, the “erasure” (a.k.a. secure deletion) of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing

Bridgeport continues to monitor the guidance around data protection compliance from privacy-related regulatory bodies, and will adjust our plans accordingly as changes occur.

Limiting the Sharing of Personal Information?

You may limit or "opt-out" of our sharing your personal information with non-affiliated third parties for their marketing purposes. However, because we do not currently share your personal information with any non-affiliated third party in a manner that would trigger this opt-out right, there is no need at this time for you to opt-out or take any other action telling us not to share such information with non-affiliated third parties.

You may also opt-out of our sharing certain personal information (for example, information other than your transactions and experiences with us, such as your credit report) among our affiliated companies. However, because we only share information about your transactions and experiences (for example, account balance, trading activity, loan amount, and account history) with our affiliated companies, there is no need at this time for you to exercise your opt-out right.

Finally, you may also limit certain kinds of marketing from our affiliated companies. You may elect to restrict our affiliated companies from marketing their products or services to you based on information about you that we share with them. Since our affiliated companies engage in such marketing from time to time, we are providing you with the ability to opt-out so that you do not receive these marketing communications in the future. To limit these marketing offers, please contact us by using the mail or telephone contact information provided below.

Your choice to limit marketing offers from our affiliated companies will apply until you tell us otherwise. You may change your opt-out status at any time. For consumers with joint accounts, an opt-out direction by one joint account holder will be treated as applying to all of the associated joint account holders.

Where Do We Store Personal Information?

The personal information that we collect from you will be stored in the United States and other countries that may have different privacy laws and standards than those in your country of residence. Your personal information may be transferred to or processed in the United States by us or by a third party service provider working for us. By submitting personal information via our website or other means, you agree to such storage, transfers and processing.

Our third party service providers may hold your personal information in countries other than your own, including the United States. You acknowledge and understand that the protection of your personal information will be subject to the applicable laws of each such jurisdiction, which may not provide for the same protection as your country of residence. For example, government entities in the United States and other countries may have certain rights to access your personal information. If you have questions about our policies and practices with respect to service providers outside your jurisdiction, including the collection, use, disclosure, or storage of personal information by our service providers worldwide, and you are entitled by applicable law to be provided this information, you may contact us via email at Please provide your first and last name and street address in your request.

How We Protect the Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information?

We maintain reasonable physical, administrative, and technical safeguards to protect your personal information. Our employees and third party service providers have access to your personal information only on a "need to know" basis. We conduct our business practices and procedures accordingly in order to protect your personal information.

Accessing, Updating and Correcting Personal Information?

As a customer, you may access and update some of your personal information. You may log on to our website using your user name and password and select the information you want to change. Your request will be submitted to BridgePort for approval.

We make reasonable efforts to maintain your personal information in an accurate, complete and up-to-date form. Please contact us if you believe that your personal information is inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date. Or, where entitled by applicable law, you may request access to your personal information by sending an e-mail to Please include your first and last name and street address in your request. You may also update your information by calling or writing us using the contact information provided below. We will process your request in compliance with local laws and our policies and procedures. Please note that before we are able to provide you with any information or correct any inaccuracies, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity.

Under certain circumstances, we may be unable to provide access to all of your personal information. We may deny or restrict access or deny your request to change your personal information for legally permissible reasons, such as where the information contains references to other individuals and is not reasonably severable; where it cannot be disclosed for legal, security, or commercial proprietary reasons; or where we have your personal information in our capacity as a third party administrative record keeper. We will advise you of any reason for denying or restricting an access request to the extent permitted by law, rule, or regulation.

Protection of Children’s Online Privacy

We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13 without parental consent. Our website is not directed or intended to individuals under the age of 13 and should not be used by them. In no event should individuals under the age of 13, provide any personal information through our website. More information about the Children’s Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) may be found at

For Nevada Consumer Residents

When you apply for or request information regarding our products or services through our online services, we will collect information about you such as your name, email address, IP address, physical mailing address, telephone number, social security number, and other personal information. We may also collect other information in combination with an identifier in a form that makes the information personally identifiable. We may share this information with our affiliates or third party service providers to process your application for a service or request for information, to maintain your account or other relationship with us, and to respond to court orders, subpoenas or investigations.

When visiting our website or using our online services, third parties providing services on our behalf may also collect information about you to process your online service activity or transaction and may also maintain such information over time.

If information you have provided to us is incorrect, you can update your information by visiting the nearest branch, contacting your account officer, or our client contact center at (858) 205-1343. You may also login to BridgePort to update your email address.

This notice is subject to change at any time. Please review this notice regularly for changes. The effective date of this notice is indicated above and shows the last time this notice was revised or materially changed. Checking the effective date above allows you to determine whether there have been changes since the last time you reviewed this notice.

For California Consumer Residents

California law requires that we obtain your affirmative consent before we share your non-public personal information with non-affiliated third parties for their own marketing purposes. However, because we do not currently share personal information about you with any non-affiliated third party in a manner that would trigger this requirement, there is no need at this time for us to seek your consent.

Limiting the Sharing of Your Personal Information

If you wish to opt-out of our sharing your personal information with our affiliated companies for marketing purposes, please contact us by telephone or mail:

Phone: (858) 205-1343
